Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trail Tuesday: Mount Sanitas in Boulder, CO

It's been raining for what seems like weeks here in Colorado, meaning many trails are closed down or extremely muddy - which, for us, is a really depressing thought.  So we thought we'd talk about another favorite hike in Boulder, CO: Mount Sanitas.

The Details: A trail map can be downloaded here.  The parking lot at Centennial Trailhead is usually packed, but you can also park along the south side of Mapleton Ave.  If you get there early enough (and I mean by 7am!), you can usually find a spot without much trouble.

Mount Sanitas is incredibly versatile and can make for a casual hike or a strenuous hike.  It's well-traveled (of course, because it's in Boulder) so it also makes for a good solo-hike.  It's also a great hike even in the winter, so long as you have traction devices.  

Overlooking Boulder, it has beautiful views year-round.

If you want a challenging hike, go up Mount Sanitas trail.  This is the StairMaster of the Rocky Mountains!  It gains around 1200 feet in the first mile and makes for a great, heart-pumping workout.  No matter how quickly you go, there will be folks doing it much faster than you, so don't worry! 

If you want a more casual hike, go up the Sanitas Valley trail and turn around before you reach the East Ridge trail.  

This also makes for a fun sunrise hike (although bears and mountain lions are sighted here often). Go with a group of people for safety.  If you don't want to leave the comfort of your bed too early, hike up Sanitas Valley Trail and sit on the bench about 1 mile in.  The view is worth it!  Plus, you can grab breakfast in Boulder right after before the crowds take over.  (We recommend Snooze or The Buff - both extremely crowded if you go later in the day.)

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